Bengawan Unmanned Vehicle

We are a research team from Sebelas Maret University which is engaged in the development and manufacture of UAVs and USVs. We aims to contribute to the development of UAVs and USVs in Indonesia and find solutions to problems that can be solved with the help of UAVs and USVs. Bengawan UV Roboboat is a group that focused on research and development of autonomous surface vehicles

Our Journey


Dr. Eng. Aditya Rio Prabowo
Dr. Eng. Aditya Rio Prabowo, S.T., M.T., M.Eng

Research area: Impact Engineering, Ocean Engineering, Naval Architecture


Prof. Dr. Eng. Syamsul Hadi
Prof. Dr. Eng. Syamsul Hadi, S.T., M.T.

Research area: Fluid Dynamics, Thermal Transfer, Sensor, Thermoelectric


Dr. Eng. Iwan Istanto
Dr. Eng. Iwan Istanto, S.T., M.T.

Research area: Control, Pneumatic and Hydraulic, Automation, Machine Learning, Image processing, and mechanical design


Rahman Wijaya
Rahman Wijaya, S.T., M.T.

Research area: Additive manufacturing, Fused deposition modelling, Subtractive manufacturing


Dr. Eng. Indri Yaningsih
Dr. Eng. Indri Yaningsih, S.T., M.T.

Research area: Heat and mass transfer, Energy, Thermal

Email: indriyaningsih@staff.uns


Team Leader

Coordinating technical and non-technical staff and being responsible for the team

Muhammad Rayhan Bramantyo

Research Area:
Power System, Mechatronic, IoT

Electrical Engineering 2022

Technical Team

This team has the responsibility to organize and develop technical issues that support the performance of the ship's motion in carrying out its mission. This team is divided into 3 main divisions, namely programming, design and manufacture, and electronics divisions. each division has its own research area.

Petra Rivaldo Anugrah

Research Area:
Navigation System, Sensors, Control System

Electrical Engineering 2022

Paskah Ridho Tumanggor

Research Area:
Object Detection, Image Processing, Computer Vision

Mechanical Engineering 2022

Ghiyats Haqqani

Research Area:
Mechanical Design, Manufacturing, Website

Mechanical Engineering 2022

Rafi Adhitya Putra Wibawa

Research Area:
Navigation System, Electrical System, Mechatronic

Electrical Engineering 2023

Elsya Bekti Nugroho

Research Area:
Object Detection, Sensors, Control System

Electrical Engineering 2023

Muhammad Taufiq Nur Hidayat

Research Area:
CAD, Manufacturing, Hull Analysis

Mechanical Engineering 2023

Non-Technical Team

This team has the responsibility to take care of non-technical issues such as administration, managerial, sponsorship, and visual branding. the official team also has an important role in the success of this event.

Fernanda Viola Anjarwati

Specific Role :
Assist external relations with domestic and prepare accommodation

Accounting 2022

Alissya Pratiwi Haryadi

Specific Role :
Manage team finances and help the team internally

Husbandry 2023

Syifaa Khuluqi Fitriani

Specific Role :
Proposing permission to Universitas related to internasional event competition

Phsyics 2022

Annisa Friska Lusiana

Specific Role :
Carry out management of correspondence and general team affairs

Food Technology Science 2023

Hanif Hannan Mafasa

Specific Role :
Prepare sponsor needs and establish cooperation with sponsors

Mechanical Engineering 2023

Rahma Meiza Noorathaya

Specific Role :
Maintain and create relation with external parties and sponsors

Law 2023

Dito Nurbiat Moko

Specific Role :
Prepare sponsor needs and establish cooperation with sponsors

D4-Demography and Civil Registration 2022

Nimas Ayu Anindya Ningrum

Specific Role :
Create content in the form of videos and photography

Architecture 2024

Wa Ode Silvia Pipit Ramadhani Tonga

Specific Role :
Make all the needs regarding graphic design

Management 2022

Abdul Rahman Fariz Azka

Specific Role :
Developing websites and managing team social media

History 2023